28 Dec

Walking the dogs has always been a bit of joy for me, often times more than just a bit. Pepper has always been a fair-weather dog and most of the time would loathe going out in the rain but Smudge has always just enjoyed himself - regardless of the weather.

Smudge wasn't particularly easy to walk at the start as he didn't know to "check in" when he was trying to decide what to do. A bit of training and he soon got it, although he's not amazing at recall and is often an ignorant bugger when it comes to coming back when you call him. This has been more of a problem this week than probably any time before.

Introducing Smudge - the confused Cavalier King Charles who this week has been a Border Collie, a working Cocker and a Deer Hound.

Two regular walks for us - Badbury Rings and Colwood. Badbury Rings is National Trust and its a lovely walk with great views but recently they've been allowing sheep to graze in the nearby fields. On a recent walk with sideways rain I was walking the edge of the rings to try and find some shelter and Smudge found the sheep. Off he went with his ears in the air, massive grin on his face and his tail streaming behind him chasing and herding the sheep. I watched on in abject horror knowing full well I could call him but he won't answer. If the farmer saw Smudge then he would likely shoot him (rightly so as it is an offence to not control your dog around live stock), so I stood helplessly watching him be a border collie until he came back panting worn out but really quite pleased with himself.

The past two days we've taken the dogs to Colwood knowing that there aren't any sheep there I'm a bit more relaxed. Both yesterday and today Smudge has been with Arla pretending to be a working Cocker, pushing up the pheasants for the shoot (he's hurt his eye in the process) and these two past days he's also caught the scent of a deer or two. Well, he's been off.... running around, disappearing, coming back, disappearing again. He's really just had the time of his life which I've loved to watch. However, I wish he'd remember that he's actualy a lazy cavalier KC and act like it....

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