07 Aug

This week has been immense. Immensely successful, immensely difficult, immensely challenging but what I’m feeling most is how immensely welcomed I’ve been by the locals here. It has made the last 8 days really worth it.

I’ve never been more tired, covered in more bruises and more uncertain about everything in my life before and I’m thriving off the challenge. Financially we did well last week, very well and I definitely think the food offering will tip that up even further which I’m excited about. Im sure part of it has been coming to see the new girl at the zoo but hopefully I’ve done enough that they keep coming back.

This morning was difficult. Line cleaning of the barrels is done weekly and it was my first time on my own. Suffice it to say it did not go according to plan and I was barely able to open at 11am ready (but some how pulled it off).

I’m looking forward to another exciting week of working now that the new rota is in place and hopefully coming to some kind of normal routine.

As for the house, I’m still on a mattress on the floor and I still have no furniture!

Hope everyone is well, keeping cool and enjoying some sunshine when you can

Love Ruthie, Pepper & Smudge xxx

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