07 Aug

Wow, life has begun to feel a little like I'm on top of things (and I'll regret this the moment I send it!!). Today's delivery and line clean went really smoothly - no chemical taste in the beer which is great and I quite enjoyed a half of ale at 9am!

I'm financially up from last week which I’m really pleased about but the local trade may well reduce as people go on holiday so a dip in takings in the coming weeks may have to be expected. I’ve added some new gins which are slowly being explored and I have a plan to try Moretti in the coming weeks due to the higher tourist trade (nice premium lager).

Yesterday we (the Fellows of the Oddies) have decided to do a food competition masterchef style so we’re going to be doing Chilli Con Carne as round 1 – people pay to play and pay to judge, money goes to charity and it’s a subtly genius way to get food into people’s bellies whilst their drinking (a cunning plan…) The locals continue to be top notch and I’m feeling like a proper part of the community. Still not quite getting everyone’s names and their drinks but it is getting there!

In terms of the house – I now have a sofa and a chair, a bed frame in my bedroom finally and a desk. There are boxes everywhere still and no “spare room” to speak of. Blow up beds may have to suffice for any potential visitors which I hope everyone can get on board with, but if that doesn’t work there are a few reasonably priced hotels.

The girls are doing amazingly, they’ve been such a support and I don’t think I would have gotten through the last 2 weeks without them chipping in, helping me and just propping up the things I’ve missed. So for that I’m super grateful.

Sad news for me, I’ve decided to get rid of my BMW. It was a tough decision but ultimately the right one. She’s been sitting in a public car park for a week and not being used so I’m gonna buy meeself a run around which is all I need for life today.

Dogs are full pub dogs now and the talk of the locals… luckily, I’ve got some great customers who love dogs and happily help me out walking them when I’m pulling a 12-hour shift. I’ve also found a dog walker so they are being well looked after and loved!

Right, so the rest of my day – banking, shopping delivery, makro visit and then paperwork. Having just work 4 lots of 14-hour days and starting this morning at 6am I’m happy to have the day off which I’m going to try and use to relax and not run around like a blue arsed fly as usual!!

Please let me know what’s going on with you, sorry if you’ve messaged me and I haven’t replied. I am thinking of everyone but until I get some head space and calm in my life messaging will be sporadic but please know if I’m sending you this message, I AM thinking about you.

Lots of love, Ruthie, Pepper & Smudge xxx

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